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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Retail Options in SP-1

Do you have retail?

If so, we have options!  SP-1 has the ability to handle your retail, barcodes and weighing items if needed.  This goes beyond the simple candy bar sale.  We are talking full capabilities of selling retail items in your location.

It all starts with our SP-1 Inventory & Retail Management Solution.  With this, SP-1 allows you to enter retail items, bundle items together into build groups and really take control of how retail is handled in your location.

It starts with our Retail Master File!  We have the ability to track the category assigned, retail price, stock levels, and more. UPC codes can be assigned to the retail item for quick barcode capabilities. 

You can even print custom barcodes from here for you retail items that may not come with a UPC!

It's our experience that often you may need to bundle one or more retail items together.  Gift baskets are a common thing in retail locations.  With our Build Groups you will be able to quickly add all the items to the build group.  Now whenever the gift basket is sold, all the retail items within it are removed from inventory as well! 

Don't forget that in order to sell an item, you simply need to scan it in Order Entry.  If you have an item that is sold by weight, we can handle that with an integrated electronic scale.  Once you scan or enter the item, you will be able to have the amounts read automatically from the scale! 

Contact us at:
Mike Spence
8326 Woodland Ave. E
Puyallup Wa 98371

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